Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kyk waar hol die jaar

Eerste maand is verby en die tweede een is halfpad.

Hulle is ingelyf, het konsert gehou, het 'n afdag gehad en hul eerste hoërskool sokkie gehad.

Interhuis het sy tol geeis en die Dolphins met die louere laat wegloop op die atletiekbaan. Die Seals kon die sang trofee kry vir goeie opkoms en sang.

Dan was daar sommer nog baie ander wenners. Geluk weereens.

Die onnies het hul ekskursie geniet op die Catamaran, met oesters en al. Nou is hullle gerat vir die kinders.

Biologie ekskursie:
Sommer die eerste naweek en die bioloë moes die koue seewater aandurf vir 'nb gogga of twee. Dankie vir die braai julle outjies.

Junior Leadership summit:
Can this be true? That a school can have a Christian leadership summit for the whole day and be vitalised by it. The gospel in a school hall for 500 learners and 30 teachers. Thank you Pastor Tobi and school management for this day.

This is why this school is different. We cater for all and if you do not join in you will lose out, big time.

We are indeed blessed and can say through it all we are more that conquerors through Jesus Christs who strengthens us

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Walvis Bay, Erongo, Namibia
To be a successful school of excellence in Namibia offering access to every resident of Namibia, where learners will reach for the stars in their quest to achieve their best and show the world they can achieve great heights.